Our Mission

Applied Clinical Services (ACS) is committed to achieve better patient outcomes in health care industry by ensuring that product safety and efficacy claims are supported by adequate clinical evidence.

Clinical evidence needs

Current markets impose ever-increasing clinical evidence requirements, while also demanding less expensive products. ACS singularly focuses on ensuring that its clients meet these competing objectives in the most cost-effective manner through strategic, integrated, and personalized clinical evidence planning, collection, and presentation. Through this process, ACS assists in achieving the objective of successful product market introduction and subsequent market acceptance ahead of the competition.

Our contribution

ACS aims to contribute to a healthier future by providing personalized services to medical device companies in the following key clinical trial activities:

  • Development of Product Clinical Evidence Strategies in discussion with essential stakeholders such as marketing and regulatory
  • Clinical Trial design, start-up, and management including CRO oversight
  • Medical writing/Clinical Evidence presentation including clinical evaluations
  • Site monitoring and auditing, including site initiation

CEO Blog

Applied Clinical Services offers a range of services around the medical device clinical evaluation process such as clinical pathway development, clinical investigation and Postmarket Clinical Follow-up set-up, management, monitoring, and reporting.

Read our CEO’s blog posts to find out what the latest developments, challenges, and approaches are in this turbulent medical device clinical environment.

Ty Cross, President and CEO, CLJI Worldwide LLC

Ty Cross, President and CEO, CLJI Worldwide LLC, working together with ACS in the area of Clinical Strategy & Evaluation, Clinical Project Management & Monitoring

"Before I met Annet Muetstege PhD of Applied Clinical Services on July 15, 2015, I was at a loss – we were in need of end to end clinical and consultative expertise for a first-of-its-kind human clinical trial to study our innovative new product.  I had no clear pathway forward from a study design standpoint, and limited time and resources to get it all done.  Annet and her amazing staff at ACS not only demonstrated significant knowledge and professionalism throughout all phases of the engagement, they also completed the project on time and under budget!  I can honestly say that ACS is the most responsive and client focused firm I’ve had the pleasure of working with.  Needless to say, I remain a loyal client."

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